To my husband;
In 60 years, you have by the help of GOD made your footprints stick in the sand of time.
I pray that proverbs 4:18, will continue to be your experience !
Your light shall continue to shine brighter and brighter !
Fresh oil will be the order of the day for you !
Greater unction and greater impact shall be your testimony !
Better days alone, shall you see ahead in JESUS name !
You are the most daring, fearless, thorough, humorous, visionary, energetic, passionate, generous, spiritually, depth-filled, and diligent man I know and I celebrate you with passion !
I am excited to see what more GOD is set to do through you and I'm so privileged, blessed and honoured to be such a part of you.
Happy birthday , my affectionate husband of over 30 years.
With love and deep appreciation,
Faith Abiola Oyedepo


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The times we live in is such a critical time that sex has become a tool in influencing the society, families and also individuals. Sex has been used in different sectors to make people do what they may never do ordinarily. It is used in music, it is used in movies, It is used in the advertising of products and surprisingly, it is used in some "churches". It has become a selling point for many and it has ruined many lives. If you are a student of the bible, you will know that GOD has already said that all these will happen in the days we live in. This you will see in Matthew 24:12, Rev 18:1-5. The question is, why is sex being used to ruin lives by the enemy ? The reason is because of the implications of sexual impurity. GOD created sex for a purpose, but when purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable.
(1) For pleasure within marriage relationship.
(2) For the creation of bonding with your spouse.
(3) To avoid immorality outside marriage.
(4) For procreation, reproduction.

What we are looking at here is how to avoid SEXUAL TRAPS. The Lord will help you in JESUS name. The story of Joseph in the bible is a typical story of how anybody can successfully avoid such traps. Many mentioned in the bible could not escape it, David was almost ruined by it, Samson was slain by it but you will escape in JESUS name.
The reasons you must avoid sexual traps are, (1) Sexual sin is a sin against ones body. (1st Cor.6:18)
(2) Your body is GOD'S temple, sexual sin defiles it. (1st Cor 6:19 )
(3) Sexual sin brings you into unholy soul tie with whoever you do it with thereby exposing you to manipulations because your bodies have become one. (1st Cor 6:15,16)
(4) Your body was not made for sexual immorality, but for the Lord. So those who engage in it are working against GOD'S plan (1st Cor 6:13,14)
(5) Sexual sins have the capacity to damn the soul and if not repented of, will destroy the individual. (1st Cor 6:9-10)
(6) Those who defile GOD'S temple come under GOD'S judgement (1st Cor 3:16,17,)
(7) The consequences of sexual sins are so grievous that it can affect one's family, like the case of David, the king, who experienced terrible things after he fell into it; His own son later committed incest with his daughter, His son killed his brother, his son later committed immorality with his wives, and eventually tried to kill him, the king.
Please, I plead with you, stay away from sexual sins. The bible says it turns people into loaves of bread and those who do it are not wise. (Proverbs 6:26,32,33)
What to do:
(1) You must first surrender to the one who alone can save you from sin and cleanse you from your past sinful lifestyle; JESUS CHRIST, THE SON OF GOD, accept Him as your Lord and saviour today by praying thus; Lord JESUS, I surrender to you now, I am a sinner, I give you my life, wash me with your blood, I believe you were raised from the dead, be my Lord and saviour, Amen.
(2) Stay away from tempting environments and people.
(3) Make new friends that will inspire you for righteousness.
(4) Develop a consistent prayer life, and continually meditate on the word of GOD.
(5) Strongly refuse sexual advances from those who seduce you directly or indirectly.
(6) Avoid watching pornographic materials and listening to seductive music that builds images of sex in your mind. It is dangerous.
(7) Belong to a community of believers who will encourage you in sexual purity.
     Your life is precious, your destiny is glorious, do not let it be thwarted by temporary pleasure.
Pst. Chidi Ihebinike
(234) 08134081914
(234) 08134081914


The reason mentoring is important is that you as a beneficiary of it don't have to start from square one.
Bishop Tudor Bismark


The grace of GOD does not empower you to sin, it empowers you not to sin.
Creflo Dollar


When you are delivering your very best is when you feel most successful. Excellence is never a surprise.
Jenthezen Franklin