No greater love has any man than this; that a man should lay down His life for his friends. This He did for us, what have you done for Him ? Think about the agony He bore for us. All for us. Have you surrendered to Him ? Make that decision today, accept Him as your Lord and personal saviour, Now. Accept JESUS CHRIST today


When GOD gives you a stand, the enemy would want to shake the ground.
Many times we look outside for help, but we are suppose to look upward (to GOD) and inward (in our spirit).
Our trials are connected to our task. Our misery is connected to our ministry
The challenges you face and conquer in life may have a strong connection to the people you are sent to minister to
Dr Pastor Paul Enenche


What GOD does for one, He can do for another under the same circumstance. If He has not done it for anybody before and you require it, He will do it for you
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome


We are not called to follow men, we are called to follow JESUS but the Lord has sent men to teach, instruct and mentor us in our walk with Him. Have you discovered your place in His kingdom, have you submitted to true spiritual authority ? Locate your place in Him and get your allocation from Him
Pastor Chidi Ihebinike


The most dangerous man on earth is a man whose time has come.
I was praying on the mountain, I saw in a vision, clouds gathering, and I asked the Lord what that mearn't. He said, tell the people, their time has come. There is somebody hearing me now, I am sent to tell you, YOUR TIME HAS COME !
Rev Dr Joshua Talena


(1) Thank God you belong to the one who has the key of David.
(2) Father, give me grace to be holy, to obey you completely.
(3) Father, open the door to my complete holiness and keep the door permanently open.
(4) Father, open the door to my all round success and keep the door permanently open.
(5)Father, open the door to my permanent breakthrough
(6) Father, open every closed womb tonight and make the barren fruitful
(7) Father, let every fruitless effort cease in my life tonight
(8) Pray for your private needs
Pastor E A Adeboye


There is somebody hearing me now, after today, those who have made a mockery of your faith in the Almighty GOD, will shut their mouth because of what GOD will do in your life.
Pastor E A Adeboye


Mammon is a spirit and it has a voice. It is mammon that tells you not to pay your tithe. It will give you reasons why you should not pay your tithe.
Examples: it will tell you, "Don't pay because you earn so little". "Don't pay because you earn so big and the tithe will be too much". "Don't pay because you have so much bills to settle" "Don't pay because you are broke" and so many other reasons but I challenge you today to break the back of mammon by paying your tithe.
Pastor Peterside Idah


It is the anointing that turns the Wonderer into a wonder. Light is the answer to the night.
What some of us need is not more toil but more oil,  not more title but mantle.
The right action will provoke the right emotion. Unction on the altar provokes action in the pew. Unction puts your potential under pressure to come out.
Dr Pastor Paul Enenche


I am inviting all to the HolyGhost service of today at Redemption camp, Lagos, GOD spoke to me that HE will do something that has never been done here before. At the middle of the service, the live broadcast will be disconnected because of the special section we will be having tonight. Be there.
Pastor E A Adeboye


When men give up on you, GOD picks you up. No situation is too dead to obey the decrees of GOD. Under GOD, nothing is too lost to be found.
Dr Pastor Paul Enenche


The ministry of the HolySpirit in our lives cannot be overlooked. He is our counsellor, our comforter, our advocate, our strengthener, our guide, our power, our standby, our inspiration, our quickener, our intercessor. Allow Him into your life today.
Pastor Chidi Ihebinike


Some people are so involved in spiritual warfare that their attention is on the devil more than on GOD. There is a place for fighting and resisting, but focusing too much on the devil is not good.
Praise is a powerful weapon that has no negative fallout.
Andrew Wommack


What do you do when tough situations arise and you are at a loss ? How do you call out to GOD when you don't have a prayer in you? My friend, know that GOD does not demand eloquent prayers; just a simple, heartfelt groan to Him will bring His saving grace onto the scene ! You don't have to remain in sickness and bondage or accept situations of defeat any longer. Release the sighs and groans in your heart to GOD and see Him move powerfully on your behalf.
Joseph Prince


We need to pray for GOD's ministers all over the world. They also face challenges like you. When you hear a news that is not good, don't rejoice but rather, let it be a prayer point for you. Let us pray for the marriage of Pastor Oyakhilome. This is the enemy's attack. O'h LORD, restore them, grant them understanding and let your peace reign in their marriage. Silence the mouth of the enemy in JESUS name
Salvationstream team


When I was younger in my school days, after praying, I use to see in my dreams where I will stand before a crowd of people teaching but physically, I was an engineering student. That helped shaped my life to the direction i am headed to today. Dreams gives direction.
Pastor Sam Adeyemi


Always know your difference. You must know what you are good at that differentiates you from others.
Repetition brings persuasion.
You must develop a thirst for knowledge and the heart of a learner.
Mike Murdork


Should school resumption be postponed due to Ebola threat or should they resume ? What is your take on this


Pressure will come from the world to you, but you need to resist that pressure by GOD'S WORD.
I am born from a realm where there is no time, brought into the realm where there is time, not to be subdued by time but to dominate time.
Bill Winston


The amount of cash held by the top four tech companies, like Apple, Google, and Samsung, is more than all the economies of Africa, as well as all the economies of Latin America. I believe that each one of us, has the capacity to come up with "witty inventions", which can dramatically improve the lives of millions, whilst at the same time creating wealth for our nations.
You might have an idea, for something completely new, or you might have an idea to improve something that exists, or you are working and have an idea to improve a process, or solutions that can make your organisation more profitable, or efficient.
Strive Masiyiwa
CEO. Econet group


If you are going through a test now in your life, you better pass the test because if you fail, you will go through it again.
Joyce Meyer


A newly built house comprising of 4 flats made up of 3 bedroom each with large sitting room (with C of O), located at a neat environment in Okota, Lagos, is for SALE. For Inspection, Call or SMS 08033077161


Until there is a helper, you are like a leper.
Hustling without Christ is hostility.
If you've not left anything to follow JESUS, nothing will leave JESUS to follow you.
Until I see what I say, I will not stop what I'm saying.
Every move have a mover.
The heart is the determining factor of the anointing.
Without an identity, you'll die a nonentity.
Kingdom investment leads to stardom achievement.
When you are full of excuses, you will be excused.
If you stand in gap for others, there will be no gap in your life.
Apostle Johnson Suleman


Planning helps you to differentiate between what is profitable and what is not.
Engage your moments with profitable activities. Define your goal for each period and be focused.
If you don't know where you are going to, everywhere will look like it.
Men with well defined focus make the most of their life.
Every well focused person becomes a first class citizen on the earth.
If your life is not structured, it will be ruptured.
You need order to have rest. Order enhances establishment. Growth that does not culminate to establishment is temporal. It will not last.
There can be no establishment without structure.
Order secures posterity. Order is not a gift, it is a choice for responsibility.
Bishop David Oyedepo


Five minutes after a person closes his or her eyes in death, they will suddenly realize that the bible is true. Please, make your decision for JESUS today.
Pastor Chidi Ihebinike


The most valuable resource in the world is not found in the ground, as gold, diamonds, and oil; it is, and will always be ideas in the minds of people, when harnessed properly. Some of the most valuable companies in the world today, like Alibaba (China), Facebook (USA),  Google (USA), are less than 15 years old, and yet each one of them is worth much more than some of the biggest resource companies like Anglo American (SA), BHP (Australia), which were built over 100 years. Companies like Apple, Alibaba, Google, and Facebook are not built on natural resources , but harnessed ideas, better known as innovations.
Strive Masiyiwa
CEO, Econet group


Favour is what takes destiny to divine plan; favour is what turns your story to glory. This season, GOD shall move you from limitation to enlargement and from stagnation to stability.
Rev Dr Umar Ukpai


Pride was what caused Satan's original sin according to Isaiah 14:12-14, he wanted to be like the Most High GOD. One thing reserved for GOD alone is worship, and the devil has always sought that. If he can't be the one to receive worship, then he seeks to turn others away from giving true worship to the Most High GOD. This is the reason why praise and worship to the Lord are such powerful tools against Satan, he can't stand to see GOD worshipped. WORSHIP GOD with all of your heart today.
Andrew Wommack


There are too many things GOD can do with our lives, but until you line up with His purpose, they may remain buried in you.
You don't full purpose by being lukewarm but by a sense of urgency.
Association brings assimilation.
You will become like those you walk with.
There is no progression without aggression.
Great destinies are a product of great isolation and seperation.
Those who make public impact are product of secret encounter.
What you can give up determines how 'UP' you can go with GOD.
Dr Pastor Paul Enenche


If you don't pray in pleasure, you will pray under pressure.
GOD wants our availability, not our ability.
When you connect to power, you connect to honour.
If you are in a hurry, you will end up in worry.
Strategy is stronger than energy.
You don't pamper Satan, you hammer him.
GOD is not early, He is not late but He is on time.
When you contact the light, you connect your flight.
You have a destiny, don't die a destitute.
GOD wants you to be a refinery, not a refrigerator.
Whenever you sin, you stink.
Until you turn from sin, it is not your turn for power.
Pursue the ultimate, not the immediate.
Your present state is not your final status.
What you don't comprehend, you can't apprehend.
Redemption is not reduction.
You can't enjoy prosperity when you celebrate iniquity.
You don't prosper by all means but by GOD'S means.
Until GOD becomes your pursuit, you are running in vain.
Money is a defence, lack of it is an offence.
It takes sacrifice to be satisfied. Your sacrifice determines the size of your satisfaction.
A provoking seed is a sponsor of laughter.
You must scatter, to gather in order to matter.
GOD is not moved by your needs known, but by your seed sown.
What you do today determines what your tomorrow will do with you.
If you keep showing off, you will soon go off.
Your priory determines your prosperity.


This year, Lord, accelerate the progress of your children, only you can do this.
Pastor E A Adeboye


Nothing multiplies until it is put in the hands of JESUS. There are blessings that show up yearly to bring large breakthrough, may it happen for you. The increase that will erase your inadequacies, may it enter your life. You may not have money now, but you have inheritance in Christ. You will have victory.


The challenge we have is that we do not have enough specialists to help contain the virus spread. We are working to ensure it remains contained because it will be disastrous if it goes epidermic. We are doing our best.
Governor Fashola of Lagos state


I've lost friends, I've lost money, i've lost so many things but i've not lost praying.
No matter what happens to you in life, no matter what you go through, still KEEP THE FAITH.
All my life, I've fought so many things, I've fought so much that when I see what others call fighting, I think it's nothing.
Don't give up, fight, finish the race, KEEP THE FAITH.
Bishop T D Jakes


Almighty father, we thank you, you are great, you are bigger than all. Our GOD, our father, our Lord, our saviour, our deliverer, our strength, our victory, our power, Glory be to your Holy name. Today, Prove your Almightiness in all our lives, by the time today is over, let every one of us sing VICTORY AT LAST in JESUS NAME.


If there were no reward for giving, JESUS would not have told us about it. When we give, there is nothing wrong with demanding for the reward from GOD.


We invite you to partner with GOD'S servant, Pastor Chidi Ihebinike, in his upcoming television programme, called, Believer's Word Broadcast. For more information, please call (234) 8134081914


Men Who have gone ahead in life are men who have conquered mental retardation, men whose mind works like a bulldozer
= Rev Dr Joshua Talena


GOD said to me "When people misunderstand you, don't try to misunderstand yourself and when they laugh at you, don't laugh at yourself"
I may have started off small but small beginnings do not signify small destinies.
GOD warned me to beware of love of money, opposite sex and pride. According to Him, these three things can destroy a man any day.
= Bishop Isaac Idahosa


Don't be disrespectful or sarcastic and damage your leaders today because you will surely lead tomorrow. Today, somebody is your pastor, your general overseer or even your pastor's wife, he or she may not be as old as you think or as you are but he or she has been ordained to lead by GOD. He or she may not have the whole crowd, car and flamboyance that go with such position , but one thing is this, you could become a general overseer tomorrow, a pastor or a pastors wife tomorrow. Don't sow a seed you'll never want to reap.
=Bishop Humphrey Erumaka


Why are we preaching the gospel, why are we travelling all around the world teaching the word as we do ? It is because, JESUS is coming again. He left us here, He has given us a message to the whole world.
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome


Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from GOD and whoever loves has been born of GOD and knows GOD.(1st John 4:7)
If you struggle with fear, guilt and condemnation , don't run from GOD, run to HIM and discover the depths of His love and mercy.
Kenneth Copeland


Realize today that GOD has empowered you to prosper spiritually, physically and financially. He wants you to be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath. You were created to be blessed coming in and blessed going out. You are the blessed of the Lord. This is not just a suggestion from your creator, it is His command in Deuteronomy 28:1-13.


In the 9th month, GOD will take you to the top and make you look down at your past and past misfortune. Be fruitfull and RECOVER ALL- Ezekiel 40:1-3.


This new month will bring you favour. Anything programmed into the month to harm you is hereby nullified. You will live to remember the goodness of GOD. Your steps, GOD will order, you will not stumble, you will not fall, divine direction will be your portion, you are demarcated from sickness, disease and infection. What destroyed others will not touch you, your life will become better in JESUS NAME. You will be a blessing. HAPPY NEW MONTH.
= Pst. Chidi Ihebinike


If JESUS needed to be filled with the HolySpirit to do his work on earth, what makes you think you don't need the HolySpirit ?
Never think that GOD is only interested in your "BIG" matters. He is interested even in your little matters. After all, what you call big in your own assessment is still small in HIS eyes.


The LORD told me to tell his people to wage war against the devil's war. The devil knows he has a short time, he knows his end is imminent but he does not have the time table. GOD will cut him short.
I want you to know that GOD'S son is praying for your needs.
= Morris Cerullo


When JESUS rose from the dead, the Bible says that those who have died before, (eg Elisha, David, Abraham) rose also and appeared to many in bodily form at Jerusalem. If decayed bodies can be raised and made whole, what makes you think that having HIV 1&2 is incurable. That one is ABC, it's elementary.
= David Ibiyomie