The Ebola virus: This is really a critical time in our nation as a people. All that is happening is a test of our will as a people to succeed, to conquer. The presence of this virus can only be eliminated, not by instilling more fear to the people, but by showing us how to overcome it. Yes, it is true someone brought it into the country, some people got infected, which is very saddening, what do we do now ? FIGHT IT !  Yes, fight it in unity, fight it by accurate enlightenment, fight it by being our brothers keeper (praying and interceeding for those already infected). The government is already doing their best, all we need to do now is support government's efforts in abiding by public health instructions given to us for our safety. Be health conscious, wash your hands regularly with antiseptic soap, avoid exposure to infected people. In all these, let us pray for our country in this trying times, GOD will deliver us and protect us.