There is no man who GOD used that never went through life challenges. Any one who says he has never gone through trying times in his or her life has only succeeded in hiding them from the public, but for trying times ? They are there !
What GOD want us to do is to prepare for them, so that our strength do not fail in the days of adversities. JESUS, before His Crucifixion, told His disciples that trials, percecutions and even death threats will come because of the gospel but He says to be of good cheer, for He has OVERCOME the world. I encourage you today and speak into your your life that GOD will bring you out of that situation in JESUS name.
Pastor Chidi Ihebinike


Answers to your prayers come as an act of God's mercy. What He does is to illuminate scriptures in your heart that address ur specific need.
Pastor Poju Oyemade


A person who sings is a singer, a person who drives is a driver, a person who teach is a teacher, a person who prays is a prayer .
Dr Pastor Paul Enenche


What you have received, you must give. If you have revelation knowledge and you don't give it out, you will not receive fresh one. Our entrance into the kingdom is like the making of wine through the winepress. The grapes are matched on by men in the winepress to produce the wine. There are times we are matched on by men, don't give up, we will produce wine (Goodthings).
Bishop Tudor Bismark


Nobody will judge you by what you did not do. They will judge you by what you did and especially when you do it well.
Mensa Otabil


The bible tells us on how Joseph brought increase to Potiphar's house, Jacob brought multiplication to Laban's house but also on how Jezebel brought ruin to Ahab's throne. My prayer is "Oh Lord, help us meet the right people and miss the wrong ones in JESUS name !".
Pastor Chidi Ihebinike


God is not up in the heavens scratching his head and thinking, “This is too complicated.” No, He already has the solution.
Joel Osteen


We will always have seasons of struggles and testing. Regardless of our prayers and consecration, adversity will come. God still has a plan!
Bishop T D Jakes


Do the right thing where you are. Followers also have influence. What you do as a follower is what you will do as a leader.
Pastor Sam Adeyemi


Obedience may be costly but the end result is pricely. Blessings are real but obedience is the price. Every prayer in disobedience is a waste of time. Nothing of value is free. Honour your parents and receive Parental blessings, honour your Man of GOD and receive Pastoral blessings, Honour GOD with your tithe and offering and experience open heavens.
Bishop David Oyedepo


The day Joseph was brought out of the prison, he became a solution to the problem of the land of Egypt. Joseph was raised by GOD to enviable position in Egypt, but if he did not speak forth, his destiny would have been shortened. Therefore, I declare, your tormentor shall have problems and GOD shall put the solution on you.
Rev Dr Umar Ukpai


What you don't use, you will loose. It is the law of use. If you are talented, and never get to use it, you will never grow but when you start using it, you will grow and expand. Put what you have to use and see it grow.
Pat Robertson


We are commanded to cast our burdens on The Lord! Don’t carry weight that doesn’t belong on you.. give it over to God!
Paula White


He anoints my head with oil, my cup runs over, I am dangerous, loaded with GOD'S blessing, causing havoc to the realm of the demonic, and goodness and mercy follows me everywhere; at home, my office, on the way and they are there to ensure that I'm safe and sound.
Bishop Mike Okonkwo


If i have learnt anything as a leader its this, u must have the courage to put the right people in the right positions and u will see growh
Pastor Poju Oyemade


Despite where you are in your life, despite any challenges you’re facing, God can grow your vision and birth your dreams!
T D Jakes


When do we need to give someone mercy? When they've hurt us. Well, what do we need to do in order to do that? We need to forgive.
Joyce Meyer


Like Jephthah, those who rejected you will beg you to lead and help them. GOD will make you their only solution.
Papa Ayo Oritsejafor


I say a big thank you to all our partners for your support and prayers. I pray that GOD rewards you richly and cause fresh supernatural doors to be opened for you this season in JESUS name. To be a partner, please call (234) 08134081914


If you play safe in life, you have decided not to grow. Rise above your present challenges. No matter what you are going through now, GOD will take you above it.
Excellent people don't beg to be promoted. Be excellent in practice
David Ibiyeomie


GOD is people minded. Always express your love to GOD by verbally confessing it. The power of GOD'S love is the most powerful on earth.
Kenneth Copeland


The matter of tithe is about honour unto GOD. When we give unto GOD, we are expressing our love to Him. If you give, you are giving because of the value you hold towards GOD.
GOD uses the reward system to encourage us. When we give, He rewards us. When we give, it's not because GOD need's your money, it's because you need HIS blessing. Your giving connects you to His material blessing. When I give, the harvest returns back into my life. This works all the time, it never fails.
GOD revealed the tithe in the garden when He told Adam not to eat the fruit of the tree in the midst of the garden. Abraham did it, Isaac and Jacob did it. You should do it.
When you give, ensure you are giving to a good ground where God's word is preached. Giving is our nature as God's children.
GOD will honour you as you obey
Pastor Benny Hinn


There is something JESUS never does. He never corrects His servants publicly but privately.
Joseph Prince


Every wise man surrounds himself with other wise people
What you eat, will eat you up
If you are decent and you are hanging around with indecent people, something in you is looking for indecency
Dr Pastor Paul Enenche


Many people do not know what to do when they have an idea, particularly one with which to start, even a new business. And this is what I want to talk about: The first thing you must have is respect for ideas and to value ideas.
In business, when an idea has been harnessed properly, we call it, intellectual property (IP). Never steal or misuse other peoples ideas, particularly when they are protected by patents, and trade marks, copy writes, or trade secrets, measures.
When you have an idea, which you think is a new innovation, or even invention, don't go around telling everyone you meet (including your friends), this is like leaving your wallet on a bar counter, to go to the toilet !
   Discretion, discretion, discretion.!!!
There are people who will go on Facebook site, and share their ideas with three million people. Let's say that they are very generous !
Some people prepare detailed documents and send them to third parties whom they think can help them. If you do that you will end in tears, and you probably don't deserve any sympathy !
So what do you do, if you have a new idea ?
.......To be continued
Strive Masiyiwa
CEO. Econet group


Whenever you are under pressure, it is an indication that breakthrough is by the corner
When GOD remembers you, men will favour you
When GOD visits you, He judges your tormentors
When GOD visits you, He takes away what causes you mockery
Rev Dr Joshua Talena


(1) What you make happen for others. GOD will make happen for you
(2) The secret of your future is in your daily habit. Successful people do daily what unsuccessfully people do once in a while
(3) Your greatness is ingrained in what problem you are willing to solve
(4) Uncommon seed produces uncommon harvest. What is in your hand will produce what will be in your future
(5) GOD's only pleasure is to be believed and his only pain is to be doubted
Mike Murdock


There was this young man, whose parents told him he will not amount to anything in life. He later became born again, after some years, GOD started blessing him. He came to me one day and said he wanted to build a house which he does not want his parents to know until he finishes, I told him no problems.
Eventually, the house was finished, he told me to invite his parents for the dedication of the house and I did. After the dedication, I announced to the parents, as he instructed me to do, that the said house was for them. They looked at me baffled because they never imagined that this their son could accomplish anything good in life.
There is somebody hearing me now, wherever they had written you off, Almighty GOD will help you to supprise them in JESUS name
Pastor E A Adeboye



When the king saw Esther, she found favour with him. Your helpers will see you, any evil covering over you, I lift and discard in the name of JESUS
Papa Ayo Oritsejafor