The mind is that part of a person that helps them think, reason, imagine, plan, visualize things. It is so important in our lives that without it, a person will be useless, unprofitable, unproductive in life. In the world we live in today, many of the things we see around us are the products of the human mind; the houses, cars, electronics, books, movies, music, etc. Many inventions of the human mind goes a long way to influence the mind of others in our society, e.g the music we listen to, the movies we watch, the books we read, all shapes our mind in one form or the other.

This topic is so important that GOD himself had to warn us about how we use our mind because man has the capacity to visualize or create what could kill him. In Genesis 6:5, the bible tells us that" God saw the wickedness of man in the earth and that every imagination of the thought of his heart was only evil continually". This goes a long way to show us that man's imagination is connected to the content of his heart. The heart, which is the spirit of man, gets it's contents from what man thinks of continually. When he thinks enough or meditate on a thing long enough, his heart receives those things as a file which is stored in him for future use. This will in turn affect the things he says because the bible says in Matthew 12:34b that "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh"

This now makes us know that your mind thinks and your thinking affects your heart, your heart affects your tongue (what you say), your tongue affects your action, your action affects your habit, your habit affects your decision and your decisions affects your future. This is instructive and makes us see why we must protect our mind from negative and destructive influences. Every human being have the capacity to do great things in life and also have the capacity to cause havoc to the society depending on how he or she utilises the mind. 

Have you ever wondered why a young man will pick up a gun, enter a school and open up fire to kill others or have you thought about why a young lady will suddenly submit her body for immoral use ? The answer is in the mind. They have been thinking about it, consciously or unconsciously without realising the strong influence their thoughts have on them. Let me ask you, what occupies your mind, what is your waking thought daily ? If you can answer these questions correctly, it will give you a clue of where your life is headed to. 

Always remember, things don't just happen. Whatever we do today, started as a thought before it became an action. The question we should be asking ourselves is how can I protect my mind and influence me positively ? Don't go about looking for who to influence without first conquering yourself, your mind, because leadership is about influencing others with what you have invested into yourself overtime. What and how can we go about it ?
(To be continued)
Written by Pst. Chidi Ihebinike
SalvationStream Ministries