If you don't pray in pleasure, you will pray under pressure.
GOD wants our availability, not our ability.
When you connect to power, you connect to honour.
If you are in a hurry, you will end up in worry.
Strategy is stronger than energy.
You don't pamper Satan, you hammer him.
GOD is not early, He is not late but He is on time.
When you contact the light, you connect your flight.
You have a destiny, don't die a destitute.
GOD wants you to be a refinery, not a refrigerator.
Whenever you sin, you stink.
Until you turn from sin, it is not your turn for power.
Pursue the ultimate, not the immediate.
Your present state is not your final status.
What you don't comprehend, you can't apprehend.
Redemption is not reduction.
You can't enjoy prosperity when you celebrate iniquity.
You don't prosper by all means but by GOD'S means.
Until GOD becomes your pursuit, you are running in vain.
Money is a defence, lack of it is an offence.
It takes sacrifice to be satisfied. Your sacrifice determines the size of your satisfaction.
A provoking seed is a sponsor of laughter.
You must scatter, to gather in order to matter.
GOD is not moved by your needs known, but by your seed sown.
What you do today determines what your tomorrow will do with you.
If you keep showing off, you will soon go off.
Your priory determines your prosperity.

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