The Church of JESUS CHRIST is spiritual, only those who have accepted the Lordship of Christ into their lives are registered in heaven as members of Christ's body, they are God's representatives on earth. God raised men as gifts to the Church according to Ephesians 4:11, for the maturing of the believers, to enable them do the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, until will all come to the unity of the faith.

In all the gifts and ministries given to many in the Church by God, there is no place where God gave anyone the ministry of criticism, no where.
We need to be cautious in our zeal to avoid stepping over the boundaries. If all you do everyday is to look out for what to criticise in other churches and ministries, then you have no message

Have you ever won a soul, nurtured and matured them in Christ  ? If you have, then you will understand that ministry is no child's play.
Do you remember the parable of the wheat and tares as explained by Christ Himself, (Matt 13:24-30), He said the moment wheats are planted, an enemy will definitely sow tares among the wheat to bring confusion, and the servants must not try to uproot the tares in their zeal, because they may end up uprooting the wheat unknowingly. Then He said, we should allow both to grow, that at the end of time, He will separate them Himself. He knows the work better than us.

What He kept us here to do is to PREACH THE GOSPEL to all creature, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the HolyGhost, then teaching them to observe all things whatsoever He has commanded us, and He said He is with us always, even to the end of the age, Amen (Matt 28:19-20)

The question is, are you doing that ?
Let us stop these infighting, fighting one another, criticizing each other, publicly making mockery of servants of God because we don't like them, STOP THE CRITICISM,  focus on your assignment , every man's work will be tried by fire, and judgement is not in your hands, that is God's office, stop playing God for Him, it's not your assignment.

If each of us will concentrate on our assignment of discipline Nation's, we would have less time to be criticizing others, face your work, teach the people God's word, help them grow, stop poisoning their minds against the Church of JESUS CHRIST, allow Christ to build His Church, she belongs to Him, not us

There are people who laboured for this gospel before we came on the scene, these are Fathers in the faith who sacrificed their comfort, went through near death experiences to preserve the gospel for us, stop fighting them, Respect their office as God's mouthpiece for our generation, they are God's ministers, not yours. Did you know that the Bible says we should not criticise another man's servant, that His master is able to keep him, please rethink, retreat and return to your assignment, PREACH, TEACH THE WORD.

I know you now have revelation, you now have a higher knowledge, you are now more "exposed" than others, but remember, we do not encourage a child to look down on his parents because they have acquired higher education, there is a place for such a child, don't be like that.

May be you have been hurt by a supposed minister of God, they disappointed you, you are now angry with the Church of Christ, but are you now going to fight against Christ and His Church because of an offence from one of His servants, is that what you want to do?

Ah, my brother, my sister, please forgive, forgive the offence, the hurt, free yourself, JESUS is still building His Church, evil will never prevail against her, let Love rule and lead us, we are safe in the hands of Love, GOD IS LOVE

©Chidi Ihebinike